Success Story

William Peace University

Helping a school with strained human and technical resources keep critical processes going while still improving Slate functionality and moving forward to address key institutional goals

William Peace University is a nationally ranked, award-winning educational institution. Founded in 1857, WPU is located in the heart of Raleigh, North Carolina.

The WPU admissions team initially engaged Post-Captain during the 2020-2021 academic cycle to help develop advanced funnel reports and a portal-based homepage dashboard. When their Slate Captain abruptly left, our collaboration evolved into a four-year working relationship that includes regular checkups to identify and address operational weaknesses as well as support for special projects identified as mission priorities by the university leadership.

William Peace University logo

Our Solution

Post-Captain swiftly pivoted and increased the number of support hours and direct meetings in order to fully understand and support WPU’s entire process from recruitment to enrollment while developing concurrent trainings rooted in WPU’s own database configurations for brand new Slate users.

This alone required an extraordinary amount of communication, cooperation, and trust. The partnership led to a formal audit which identified and categorized numerous database misconfigurations and confirmed the need for a new Slate-based readmit process. The initial readmit process relied exclusively on a person-scoped form that was at the time very time consuming for staff to manage and confusing for students. The absence of a true application and reader process led to students falling through the cracks and a lack of clarity with enrollment numbers. Post-Captain revitalized this entire process through the development of a new Slate application, readmit communications, a readmit review process, and reports. This new process has led to completion rates for the readmit application increasing by 83%.

The success of the new readmit process led in turn to an even more ambitious project to establish direct admissions. Once critical values for direct admission such as GPA and Encoura data were confirmed, the necessary automations, communications, and reports to support direct admissions were developed. Since launching this pilot program, overall applications are up by 6.28%, and net deposits are up by 12.08%. William Peace intends to expand this program next year with Post-Captain’s support.

The Future

The success of this still ongoing engagement with WPU is rooted in the core values and methodologies of the Post-Captain support model which prioritizes developing a client specific plan, close collaboration, and bringing extraordinary Slate experience and expertise to bear on every issue.

William Peace is hoping to expand their direct admissions process in the future, and is currently finalizing a new student checklist process within Slate.

Working with Post-Captain has been an incredibly positive experience for our entire campus community.

Their Slate expertise is unparalleled. We had been unable to effectively leverage Slate — because of them, “all things recruitment” are now moving forward, swiftly, in a positive trajectory. 

They are extremely responsive, customer service-oriented and knowledgeable. I trust them implicitly, and I would not even consider looking elsewhere — Post-Captain offers the complete package!

Kristine Shay
Assistant Vice President of Admissions
William Peace University

Post-Captain Services

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